Parking lot design isn’t just a matter of painting stripes and arrows and erecting or hanging signs. There are many design considerations, some required by city laws and others simply appealing to customers, you should incorporate into your parking lot layout.


Here, we’re going to provide you with a checklist of need-to-haves and nice-to-haves to include in your parking lot design.




  • ADA accessible parking spots. All parking lots are required by law to dedicate at least two percent of total parking for handicap accessibility, of which 1 in 6 spaces must be van accessible. We provide a complete list of the current ADA accessible parking area standards.


  • Standard parking spots. But did you know that most cities regulate the measurements and other design specs of parking spaces? In Los Angeles city, for instance, compact stalls must be at least 7 feet 6 inches wide, while resident parking must be at least 8 feet 6 inches wide.


  • Pedestrian walkways. Including sidewalks that funnel foot traffic toward designated walking areas, marking crosswalks, and including stop signs all increase pedestrian safety – which could also protect you from premise liability claims. Simply marking walkways, for instance, with yellow paint increases awareness and promotes cautious behavior.


  • Curbs and barriers. Municipalities generally require parking lots to include preventative installations, such as bumpers, wheel stops, metal posts, curbs, and concrete walls, that deter vehicles from blocking driveways or obstructing pedestrian walkways.


  • Including signs serves a number of purposes, including directing the flow of traffic to avoid congestion, promoting awareness and caution for safety purposes, and guiding people where to park (e.g. handicap or maternity spaces or specific lots such as at airports).


  • Lighting. When designing how you’ll light your parking areas, you will need to make sure signs are properly lit, nighttime visibility across all areas is adequate, and areas with increased pedestrian traffic have higher light levels to prevent accidents. Adequate lighting may also curb the bravery of would-be criminals.




  • Landscaping. Trees, shrubbery, and flowers add color to otherwise drab concrete landscapes, serving as a welcoming invitation to your business. Aside from drawing in customers, trees can cool the areas surrounding them up to 40 degrees Fahrenheit through shade and transpiration cooling or “sweating” – at the peak of the California heat, patrons will thank you and extreme temperature damage to pavements will be kept to a minimum.


  • Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations. Whether you offer free or pay-to-charge EV stations, you can expect to see a bump in revenues. As charge times range from 30 minutes to about 2 hours, even those with no intention of making a purchase will want to find some way of passing the time – a window shopper could become a buying customer.


  • Custom designs. Parking lots or garages are the first space customers encounter before they walk through your doors. Bold and friendly designs, from lot striping to signage, can encourage positive client attitudes and promote the uniqueness of your business.


Interested in giving your parking lot or parking garage a makeover to help you stand out? Want to make sure your lot is up to code? Contact Curcio Enterprises, Inc., the one-stop shop for all your parking facility needs.


And if you’d like to see what we’re capable of, check out our portfolio.